What you don't know about Snow White?

If you grew up with the Disney version, you have got to read this. 

Disney made Snow White more romantic and more appropriate for kids to watch. But time back then from the original story (other than snow white), fairy tales were full of macabre and gruesome twist to emphasize the moral of the story (so little girls would not imitate them). 

Here are some trivia that I have read around the net:

The Grimm's version refer to her as being seven years old when the story starts and while there was no  indication of how much time has passed, it's no more than a couple of years. So the question is, is her prince charming a pedophile? Because no eight or nine year old prince that would came to the forest and rescue her. 

The huntsman plays important part of the story! The Queen asks a huntsman to kill her and bring her heart (lungs or liver) back as proof. Instead, the huntsman can’t bring himself to do it and returns with the heart of a boar.  Which is then prepared by the cook and eaten by the Queen o.O

The Queen disguises herself three times and visits the dwarve' cottage while they are away in an attempt to kill Snow White. First as an old peddler, next as an old woman and lastly as a farmer's wife which offers the poisoned apple. 

Prince travelling through the land sees Snow White in her coffin, and enchanted by her beauty, instantly falls in love with her. The dwarves succumb to his entreaties to let him have the coffin, and as his servants carry the coffin away, they stumble on some roots. This causes the piece of poisoned apple to dislodge from Snow White's throat, awakening her. As for my interpretation, what would a prince do to a dead girl's body? Is he a necrophiliac? 

The Queen still feels that there is someone  prettier than her so she again asked he mirror on the wall and it replied "You, my Queen, are fair; it is true. But the young Queen is a thousand times fairer than you." So, the queen is not aware that Snow White is the one whom the mirror is talking about. So as she showed up at the wedding, they punished her by  forcing her to dance to death in red hot iron shoes.