I always hear this song over the radio station, mellow947.fm. This mid-tempo- pop-ballad song get me LSS (last song syndrome) and even get me to view it a hundred times over and over on youtube.com. I think the story inside this song is what people keep listening to it over and over. Yes, there are lots of heartbreak songs but this one is so cool that it's not like other emo songs that are shouting all the hurt and pain.
One of the verse in this song that strikes me is "If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this. All those fairy tales are full of it. One more stupid love song I'll be sick." It gives me the realization that not all love story has an happy ending. Sometimes we should not expect a relationship to be never-ending because in reality, even people who get married get divorced then separated :(((
I find some Payphone covers over the net, that will be perfect for those who does not like to hear profane words. This Payphone cover by jayesslee added more flavor to the original one. It enhances the melody and harmony of the song and by us girls who love listening to mellow music will definitely like this one.
Now this version by Sungha Jung (sunghajung) is the one I can say that you can listen to if you want to sit back and relax for a while. He is one of my favorite artist because at an early age he practice finger style in playing guitar which sounds new to me. He is also my crush, just so you know.
The last one payphone cover I like to share is from AlexG which is another mellow version. This is for those who want to imitates or observes a different style of singing. Well you could use this if you are like to be performing on a birthday celebration and the like.